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The Consortium for Constituents with Disabilities
820 First Street, NE, Ste. 740
Washington, DC 20002
(202) 567-3516 phone
(202) 408-9520 fax

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Mission & Principles: 

The CCD Housing Task Force works to ensure that all people with disabilities have safe, stable, accessible, affordable, integrated housing that enables people to live in communities of their choosing, with full access to home and community-based services and supports. Through federal policy advocacy, we work to counter the impacts of historic and continued racist, ableist, and audist (among other forms of oppressive) policies and practices that cause the extreme lack of housing affordability, accessibility, availability, inclusion, and quality. We also acknowledge that the burden of these impacts is often most acute for those who experience multiple forms of marginalization; therefore, the solutions must center those most impacted. The CCD Housing Task Force works with non-governmental entities, Congress, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and other agencies to address these inequities and advance the rights of and access for all disabled people to stable, safe, accessible and affordable housing in communities of their choosing. 

The CCD Housing Task Force supports Housing First principles and that community and in-home support services should always be person-centered and voluntary.  Due to decades of grassroots advocacy as well as legal and policy mandates, it is critical that housing solutions for people with disabilities support full integration, where people with and without disabilities can live together in the communities of their choice, and where disabled people have the same access to all amenities as non-disabled people. That said, we also acknowledge that the preservation and cultivation of Disability and Deaf culture are paramount to how we understand the housing crisis and approach the variety of solutions needed. For example, housing solutions need to account for the importance of peer socialization amongst Deaf people who use sign language because, without it, there is continued proof of language deprivation. 

The CCD Housing Task Force also works collaboratively with the Technical Assistance Collaborative (TAC) to produce Priced Out, a study of the severe housing affordability problems of people with disabilities.


  • Allie Cannington
    The Kelsey
  • Jennifer Kye
    Justice in Aging
  • Greg Robinson
    Autistic Self Advocacy Network
Housing Task Force
Annual Report - Housing Task Force
(January 13,  2025) - Download [ PDF ]
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