For more information, please contact:
Paul Marchand (202) 783-2229
Katy Beh Neas (202) 347-3066
Leslie Jackson (301) 652-2682
Jane West (202) 289-3903
Stephen Spector (301) 306-7070


July 7, 2003


Dear Representative:


On behalf of the Education Task Force of the Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities (CCD),we write today regarding the FY 2004 appropriations for programs authorized by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).  The Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities is a coalition of approximately 100 national disability organizations working together to advocate for national public policy that ensures the self determination, independence, empowerment, integration and inclusion of children and adults with disabilities in all aspects of society.


On two occasions this year, the House of Representatives has gone on record in support of major funding increases for Part B of IDEA, the law’s primary state grant program.  Specifically, both the FY 2004 Budget Resolution and the House-approved reauthorization of IDEA (H.R. 1350) call for an increase of $2.2 billion for IDEA in FY 2004.  These bills also present a glide-path to fully funding IDEA, a promise that Congress made to children with disabilities, their families, and their schools more than a quarter of a century ago.   The CCD Education Task Force is very disappointed that the FY 2004 bill that has been approved by the House Appropriations Committee falls $1.2 billion short of this amount.  Special education and general education advocates have fought for more than two decades to obtain full funding of IDEA.  Although significant strides have been made in recent years to reach the funding guarantee of 40 percent Federal spending, we have not yet realized one-half of that promise. 


In addition, funding levels established in the House appropriations bill for IDEA’s other programs -- the Section 619 preschool program, the Part C early intervention program and the Part D research, training and professional development programs -- are inadequate.  These programs are essential for young children to enter school ready to learn and for schools to be staffed and equipped to deliver evidence-based instruction and supports to the almost 7 million students with disabilities in our nation’s schools.


The CCD Education Task Force strongly urges the House to increase all IDEA programs when the FY 2004 Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies appropriations bill comes to the floor. Now is the time for the Congress to finally set the correct course on IDEA funding.  The FY 2004 Budget Resolution contains the funds to accomplish this vital goal.  Please, no more excuses.  Our nation’s children with disabilities are waiting for the rhetoric and the promises to become real.


Thank you for considering our views.




Leslie Jackson      Paul Marchand     Katherine Beh Neas             Jane West                            Stephen Spector  

AOTA                    The Arc &             Easter Seals                           HECSE/TED                          CHADD



 1331 H Street, NW, Suite 300 • Washington, DC  20005 • PH 202/783-2229 • FAX 467-4179 • •